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Шифр: Ф. 1. Оп. 10. Ед. хр. 7. Док. 06

Вирек П.

1. Brodsky's relatiions with Peter Viereck & Mt. Holyoke. Фотография И.Бродского с подписью "You all are moving, I alone am static". 14.VII.70. - 2 л.
2. Dedication by Brodsky to Peter Viereck on last page of the book "Less Than One". 1986. - 1 л.
3. Letter from Brodsky saying "yes" to again co-teaching a history seminar with Viereck (just before B's death; his last letter before death). January 15th 1996. - 2 л.
4. Introduction to Peter Viereck's "First and Less Poems" (Rhymed foreword by Joseph Brodsky, the Nobel Prize poet and the American poet laureate, to Peter Viereck's new book, "Tide & Continuities: Last & First Poems, published 1995 by Univ. of Arkansas Press). - 4 л.

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Количество листов: 9

Язык: английский