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Essays in Poetics.
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Essays in Poetics.

Vol. 4 No. 1. April 1979.

Diagnoses and verdicts on Dr. Zhivago's Malady. Pasternak's novel: Perspectives on "Doctor Zhivago" by Neil Cornell (A Review Article).
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Polukhina Valentina

Diagnoses and verdicts on Dr. Zhivago's Malady. Pasternak's novel: Perspectives on "Doctor Zhivago" by Neil Cornell (A Review Article).

Reprint from : Essays in Poetics : The Journal of the British Neo-Formalist Circle / The University of Keele. 1987. Vol. 12. No. 1. P. 81-91.

New Developments in Russian Poetry: Mikhail Gronas and Dmitry Kuzmin.
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New Developments in Russian Poetry: Mikhail Gronas and Dmitry Kuzmin.

Reprint from : Essays in Poetics : The Journal of the British Neo-Formalist Circle / The University of Keele. 1992. Vol. 17. No. 1. P. 83-92.

The Linguistic Reality in Which We All Exist : An Interview with Victor Kulle (24 July 1992).
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Polukhina Valentina

The Linguistic Reality in Which We All Exist : An Interview with Victor Kulle (24 July 1992).

Reprint from : Essays in Poetics : The Journal of the British Neo-Formalist Circle / The University of Keele. 1992. Vol. 17. No. 2. P. 72-89.

A Fragmented World. Daniil Kharms and the Poetics of the Absurd / Ed. Neil Cornwell. Macmillan Academic, Houndmills, Basingstoke, 1991. (A Review Article).
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A Fragmented World. Daniil Kharms and the Poetics of the Absurd / Ed. Neil Cornwell. Macmillan Academic, Houndmills, Basingstoke, 1991. (A Review Article).

Reprint from : Essays in Poetics : The Journal of the British Neo-Formalist Circle / The University of Keele. 1993. Vol. 18. No. 1. P. 97-102.

Valentina Polukhina, Ülle Pärli. The Dictionary of Brodsky’s Tropes (based on material from Chast’ Rechi). Tartu University Press, 1995. (A Review Article).
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Zubova Ludmila

Valentina Polukhina, Ülle Pärli. The Dictionary of Brodsky’s Tropes (based on material from Chast’ Rechi). Tartu University Press, 1995. (A Review Article).

Reprint from : Essays in Poetics : The Journal of the British Neo-Formalist Circle / The University of Keele. Autumn 1996. Vol. 21. P. 202-209.

Collective Analysis of Olga Sedakova's "The Wild Rose" by Olga Sedakova, Valentina Polukhina and Robert Reid.
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Collective Analysis of Olga Sedakova's "The Wild Rose" by Olga Sedakova, Valentina Polukhina and Robert Reid.

Reprint from : Essays in Poetics : The Journal of the British Neo-Formalist Circle / The University of Keele. Autumn 1997. Vol. 22. P. 237-257.

New Developments in Russian Poetry : Skidan Alexander.
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New Developments in Russian Poetry : Skidan Alexander.

Reprint from : Essays in Poetics : The Journal of the British Neo-Formalist Circle / The University of Keele. Autumn 1999. Vol. 24. P. 250-261.

Russian Literature
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Russian Literature

Vol. XXXI. No. 3 - 1992, 1 April. - Amsterdam : Noth-Holland, 1992.

Russian Literature
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Russian Literature

Vol. XXXVI. No. 4 - 1994, 15 November. - Special Issue: Ju.M. Lotman II - Amsterdam : Noth-Holland, 1992.

Russian Literature
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Russian Literature

Vol. XXXVII. No. 2/3 - 1995, 15 February / 1 April. - Special Issue: Joseph Brodsky. - Amsterdam : Noth-Holland, 1995.

Russian Literature
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Russian Literature

Vol. XLI. No. 2 - 1997, 15 February. - Amsterdam : Noth-Holland, 1997.

Russian Literature
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Russian Literature

Vol. XLVII. No. 3/4 - 2000, 1 April / 15 May. Special Issue: Brodsky as a Critic. - Amsterdam : Noth-Holland, 2000.

Поэтический автопортрет Бродского.
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Полухина Валентина Платоновна

Поэтический автопортрет Бродского.

Reprint from : Russian Literature. - Vol. XXXI (1992). Amsterdam : Noth-Holland, 1992. P. 375-392.

"Римский текст" Иосифа Бродского.
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Ранчин Андрей Михайлович

"Римский текст" Иосифа Бродского.

Reprint from : Russian Literature. - Vol. ХХХIV (1993). Amsterdam : North-Holland, 1993. P. 471-486.

Жанровая клавиатура Бродского.
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Полухина Валентина Платоновна

Жанровая клавиатура Бродского.

Reprint from : Russian Literature. - Vol. XXХVII (1995). Amsterdam : Noth-Holland, 1995. P. 145-156.

Coitus as a Cross-Genre Motif in Brodsky's Poetry.
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Pilshchikov Igor

Coitus as a Cross-Genre Motif in Brodsky's Poetry.

Reprint from : Russian Literature. - Vol. XXXVII (1995). Amsterdam : North-Holland, 1995. P. 339-350.

The Self in Brodsky’s Interviews.
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Polukhina Valentina

The Self in Brodsky’s Interviews.

Reprint from : Russian Literature. - Vol. XXXVII (1995). Amsterdam : North-Holland, 1995. P. 351-364.

Carmina Vacui Taetra.
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Славянский Николай

Carmina Vacui Taetra.

Reprint from : Russian Literature. Vol. XXXVII (1995). Amsterdam : Noth-Holland, 1995. P. 377-392.

Bibliography of Joseph Brodsky's Interviews.
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Polukhina Valentina

Bibliography of Joseph Brodsky's Interviews.

Reprint from : Russian Literature. Vol. XXXVII (1995). Amsterdam : North-Holland, 1995. P. 417-426.