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Школа пения. Стихотворения 1966-2002 = Singing School. Poems 1966-2002.
М. : Рудомино, 2003. - 223 с. - (Билингвальное издание).

Поэтика Бродского: Сборник статей
Tenafly, N. J. : Эрмитаж, 1986. - 254 c.

Часть речи.
1980. № 1.

Brodski Iossip
Collines et autres poèmes
Paris : Seuil, 1966. - 111 p.

Крепс Михаил Борисович
О поэзии Иосифа Бродского.
Ann Arbor : Ardis, 1987. - 192 с.

Brodsky Joseph
Selected Poems (To the Memory of Wystan Hugh Auden. 1907-1973).
Penguin Books, 1973. - 168 p.

A Programme for the Visit of Joseph Brodsky to the United Kingdom. April – May 1985.
1985. 42 p.

Three Slavic Poets: Joseph Brodsky, Tymoteusz Karpowicz, Djordje Nikolic.
Chicago : Elpenor books, 1975. - 20 p.

Polukhina Valentina
Brodsky through the Eyes of his Contemporaries.
N.Y. : St. Martin's Press, 1992. - 348 p.

Polukhina Valentina
Brodsky through the Eyes of his Contemporaries. Vol. 1.
Boston : Academic Studies Press, 2008. - 391 p. (Studies in Russin and Slavic Literatures, Cultures and History).

Polukhina Valentina
Brodsky through the Eyes of his Contemporaries. Vol. 2. (1996 - 2008).
Boston : Academic Studies Press, 2008. - 604 p. (Studies in Russin and Slavic Literatures, Cultures and History).

Polukhina Valentina
Brodsky through the Eyes of his Contemporaries. Vol. 1.
Boston : Academic Studies Press, 2010. - 391 p. (Studies in Russin and Slavic Literatures, Cultures and History).

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Brodsky through the Eyes of his Contemporaries. Vol. 2.
Boston : Academic Studies Press, 2010. - 391 p. (Studies in Russin and Slavic Literatures, Cultures and History).

Szymak-Reiferowa, Jadwiga
Josif Brodski.
Katowice : Śląsk, 1993 - 120 s. (Sylwetki pisarzy XX wieku).

Brodsky Josif
Dwadzieścia sonetów do Marii Stuart
Katowice : Śląsk, 1993. - 50 s.

Brodsky Josif
Wiersze ostatnie
Kraków : Znak, 1998. - 118 s.

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Wiersze i poematy.
[Warszawa] : Niezależna Oficyna Wydawnicza [NOWA], 1977. - 128 s.

O Brodskim. Studia szkice refleksje.
Katowice : Śląsk, 1993 - 174 s.

Brodsky Joseph
Amsterdam : De bezige bij, 1994 - 48 blz.

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Lustro weneckie
Kraków : Wydawnictwo M, 1993. - 128 s.